Registration for the 2024 season is now open to past members and new-to-KRC experienced rowers.
The snow is gone so we are opening earlier than usual! Morning air & lake temperatures are still very cold so April practices will be Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5:30 to 7:30 PM and Saturday and Sunday mornings 8:00 to 10:00 AM. We will be scheduling separate practice sessions for Recreational/Novice, Competitive and Youth rowing starting in May. April practices will be all of us rowing together - like the big, happy rowing family we are!
Weekday early-morning practices will be added to the schedule once sunrise starts to happen around 6:00 AM and it warms up - this should be around mid- to end-of April. Our first club row is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Annual membership fees have increased this year for the following reasons: the extended season (6 months to 7 months); higher Rowing Canada and Rowing BC fees; necessary equipment replacements; and coach wages - SafeSport policies require two coaches present for youth practices.
What your fees cover:
- 7 months of rowing (April through October);
- Access to club-owned equipment (boats, oars, pfds, safety gear, etc.);
- Coach-led practices, training plans and race preparation;
- Rowing Canada insurance;
- Rowing BC dues.
Additional info and a link to the sign-up sheet will be emailed to you upon registration.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone back on the water!