Weather conditions

How to Determine if Rowing Practice Will Proceed

Before heading to practice, please check the following weather conditions to determine if rowing is likely to proceed. While a final decision will always be made by the on-site safety coach and boat driver, we encourage all rowers to take responsibility by assessing the conditions in advance.

Key Factors to Consider:

1. Wind Speed & Water Conditions

  • Wind must be less than 10 km/h / 6.20 mph / 2.78 m/s / 5.4 knots
  • No whitecaps visible on the water
  • Check the live wind readings and West Kelowna Yacht Club webcams for real-time conditions

2. Storms & Visibility

  • No thunder, lightning, or thunderstorms forecasted or in sight
  • Visibility must be at least 3 km (you should be able to see Barona Beach Marina from the club)

3. Temperature

  • The combined lake and air temperature must be at least 15ºC

4. Air Quality

  • If the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is greater than 6/ or greater than 100 in Air Quality Index (AQI+), practice is canceled due to unsafe conditions (usually wildfire smoke)

For up-to-date weather, wind, and air quality data, refer to the live Environment Canada updates, wind maps, and webcams provided below. If conditions are unfavorable, consider removing your name from the sign-up sheet in advance.

Final decisions will always be made on-site, but we appreciate your help in monitoring conditions and making informed choices.

Environment Canada

Air Quality

Air Quality Guide

  • Good (0-25): Air quality is good. It’s safe to exercise outdoors.
  • Moderate (26-50): Air quality is fine. Raised levels of pollutants may affect your breathing if you exercise outdoors, especially if you have asthma or allergies.
  • Moderately Unhealthy (51-100): Raised levels of pollutants may affect your breathing if you exercise outdoors, even for healthy individuals. Pollutants can cause health problems if you have a lung or heart condition. Try to exercise indoors or keep your outdoor workout short.
  • Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101-150): Pollutant concentrations affect everyone, especially those with lung or heart problems. Exercise indoors to reduce exposure to pollution.
  • Very Unhealthy (151-200): Pollutant concentrations can cause health problems for everyone. DO NOT exercise outdoors.
  • Hazardous (201-500): Air quality is bad enough to be declared an emergency. Stay indoors or evacuate the area until air quality improves.

West Kelowna Yacht Club